
Dust control study

Dust control studyDust from construction sites, industrial areas, agricultural operations, or roadways might contain pesticides, heavy metals, asbestos, bacteria, fungi, and a variety of other contaminants. Dust particles are very small and easily inhaled. Even...

Issues in Solid Waste Management in Rural India

Issues in Solid Waste Management in Rural IndiaAuthorsTinku Casper D'SilvaKriti PriydarsiniAvick SilSolid waste has become one of the biggest problems and its management is one of the major issues currently in both urban and rural areas of India. Various scientific...

Phytochemical Analysis of a Traditional Medicinal plant-Gnidia glauca

Phytochemical Analysis of a Traditional Medicinal plant-Gnidia glaucaPresent investigation deals with phytochemical evaluation of Gnidia glauca (FRESEN) GILG.. Ethanol, methanol, and ethyl acetate were used for preparation of test extracts. The Gnidia glauca leaf...

Neighbourhood Shadow Analysis of Proposed High Rise in Mumbai, India

Neighborhood Shadow Analysis of Proposed High Rise in Mumbai, IndiaMumbai is the financial capital of India and it attracts many migrants from various part of India because of its business opportunities. Extensive development has already taken place which contributed...

Utilization of fly ash in construction industries for environment management

Utilization of fly ash in construction industries for environment managementAuthorsSaurabh AttardeSagar MaratheAvick SilFly ash is naturally cementations coal combustion by-product. A fine glass powder recovered from the gases of burning coal during the production of...

Municipal solid waste: Zero tolerance management strategy

Municipal solid waste: Zero tolerance management strategyAuthorsDevendra GoyalSunil KumarAvick SilCurrently, Indian cities generate waste which is being disposed in its outskirt as open dumping. This approach affects health and life of people living at city outskirts....

Development of correction factors for landfill gas emission model

Development of correction factors for landfill gas emission modelAuthorsJonathan W.C.Wong.Sunil KumarAvick SilMethane emission from landfill gas emission (LandGEM) model was validated through the results of laboratory-scale biochemical methane potential assay. Results...

Formulating LandGem model for estimation of landfill gas under Indian scenario

Formulating LandGem model for estimation of landfill gas under Indian scenarioAuthorsRakesh KumarSunil KumarAvick SilMostly in India, solid waste without any segregation is deposited into open dumping sites. Through these sites, there is uncontrolled emission of...

Effect of non-aqueous drilling fluid and its synthetic base oil on soil health as indicated by its dehydrogenase activity

Effect of non-aqueous drilling fluid and its synthetic base oil on soil health as indicated by its dehydrogenase activity.AuthorsKanchan WakadikarRakesh KumarNiranjan KolekarShalini TandonAvik SilDrilling fluids are used for drilling natural gas, oil and water wells....

Assessment of Particulate Matter (PM) Exposure and Noise Levels in the Basement Parking Area of Malls

Assessment of Particulate Matter (PM) Exposure and Noise Levels in the Basement Parking Area of MallsThe basement parking area constitutes various air pollutants and exposure to these pollutants which are present in high concentrations proves hazardous to environment...

Challenges and Opportunities in SWM in India

Challenges and Opportunities in SWM in India: A Perspective.AuthorsSunil Kumar.Council of Scientific and Industrial Research– National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI)Nagpur IndiaAvick Sil.Enviro Policy & Research India Pvt. Ltd (EPRIPL),...

Vehicular Source Assessment Contributing To Noise Level At Traffic Junctions In Thane City

Vehicular Source Assessment Contributing To NoiseLevel At Traffic Junctions In Thane CityAuthorsApurva Chawre.Sneha Magam.Poonam Kurve.Vicky Patil.Avick SilNoise pollution is emerging as one of the major environmental challenges in modern life as it has significant...

Probability of Aluminium Toxicity from Bhandup Complex Water Treatment Plant, Mumbai

Probability of Aluminium Toxicity from Bhandup Complex Water Treatment Plant, MumbaiBhandup Complex water treatment plant located in Mumbai, India, supplies water to most of Mumbai. The plant receives raw water from Vehar Lake. Alum has been used as a coagulant in the...

Evaluation of Electricity Consumption and Development of Household Energy Performance Index

Evaluation of Electricity Consumption and Development of Household Energy Performance IndexAuthorsAvick SilElectricity demand is the most important aspect in India. The research here was carried out analyze the pattern of electricity consumption in Mumbai Metropolitan...


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Waste Characteristics and Generation

Waste Characteristics and GenerationAuthorsSunil KumarAvick SilWaste management is challenging in urban and rural areas. Waste can be classified by its source and by the socioeconomic sector generating the waste. Types of waste include municipal solid waste (MSW),...

Toxicity Characteristics of Drilling Mud and Its Effect on Aquatic Fish Populations

Toxicity Characteristics of Drilling Mud and Its Effect on Aquatic Fish PopulationsAuthorsKanchan Wakadikar.Sunil Kumar.S. Satheesh Babu.S. P. M. Sivagami.Shalini Tandon.Rakesh Kumar.Patrick Hettiaratchi.Avick Sil.Toxicity tests are important for assessing the effects...
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